Weekly mASCot Family Club
Every Tuesday
Please Email Jo for more details
(This group is for mASCot members only and isn't a drop off club, parent carers need to stay)
โFamily isnโt always blood. Itโs the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.โ
Tuesday Fun
Tuesday Club is run from Portslade Village Centre.
All primary age children (or slightly older/younger) are welcome. Parents need to stay, and siblings are welcome. There will be a range of activities including
Art & Craft
Quiet area
We ask for a contribution of £3 towards the hire cost and materials but if you can't afford this, please just come anyway.
Tuesday Fun
Scroll down to register and pay

Portslade Village Centre,
3 Courthope Close,
Portslade, BN41 2LZ
Mobile: 07943346055
Email: jomatthews@asc-mascot.com
Tuesday: 4.00pm - 5.30pm
Tuesday Club Register and Pay

Terms & Conditions
mASCot funds the use of facilities for us to run our clubs and group so they are accessible for you at a price you can afford.
Please read and tick that you agree to these terms & condition on the registration form.
As a member I agreed to use the facilities provided by mASCot in a responsible manner.
I understand that mASCot, although funding the facilities will not be held responsible for:
• loss or damage of personal belongings
• myself or my child/children's behaviour
• The safety of myself and/or my child/children.
• Any problems with the venue itself to be dealt with direct with the venue owners.
I accept, that even though I am here as a member of the support group mASCot, I have sole responsibility for my child/children's actions. I will be responsible for any loss or damage to my own or any property belonging to mASCot, the provided venue, or any other persons that results from mine or my child/children’s actions.
All data collected come under our GDPR Data protection policy and all clubs & Group follow our Membership rules which you agreed to when joining mASCot.
Read again HERE
Payment for Tuesday Club