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Supporting mASCot

mASCot is an entirely parent led 'not for profit' Community Interest Company.

As a community we all put so much of our time and effort in making a difference to our mASCot families and we work hard to raise funds to do all that we do.

We don’t have any Local Authority funding. We rely on trusts and foundations, local fundraisers and donations from generous people who believe in our cause and who see the wonderful difference we make for local families raising Autistic children and young people.

We also have people supporting mASCot in many different ways either by giving their time, nominating us for fundraising initiatives or accommodating us to run our projects.

"You Have Two Hands, 

One for Helping Yourself, 

the Other for Helping Others"

-Audrey Hepburn

Please scroll down to read more about all the different ways people support us 

You too can become one of our supporters and help us to be able to offer more projects in the form of clubs, groups, talks, workshops, activities and training for our families.

The more support, the more we can help. 

100% of all donations and funds raised goes direct to our project and to supporting mASCot families.

To make a donation to mASCot please go to our Givey page by clicking the button above.

Givey is a funding page where all the money you donate, goes direct to mASCot

or if you prefer to set up a regular monthly donation  here are our bank details

Starling Bank

Account Holders Name

Asc-mascot C.i.c.

Account Number


Sort Code


Please use the reference Monthly Fee

Fundraise for mASCot.

You can fundraise for mASCot by either setting up your own fundraiser or by putting mASCot forward as your nominated organisation to a workplace or business.

We have created a document outlining who mAScot are and what we do as well as all practical information needed.

Please click the button above to download this document and if you wish to discuss anything further please contact us at

or call Sam on


“Giving is not just about making a Donation, 

it’s about making a Difference

- Kathy Calvin







mASCot is supported in many ways by many people, companies and organisations. 

Read more about what they do and how they help us, to help others by clicking on the icons above.

Disclaimer mASCot continually add to our signposting database of services, places, groups, agencies, individuals etc that our mASCot members have shared with fellow members on our forum. We include many of these suggestions on our website, please be aware, these links are provided as signposting for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by mASCot of any of the products, services or opinions of the services, agencies or individuals. mASCot bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.  Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.  mASCot members are advised to undertake their own research/background checks as necessary if accessing any of these services or provisions on external sites.

Sam​:  ​07943346055

ASC-mASCot C.I.C Company number 11780562
All logos artwork & designs copyright of ©️Sam Bayley

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