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March is now the month we celebrate all things mASCot so we can celebrated our diverse families and promote the acceptance and celebrate the support we give to each other.


We hold events to raise funds to support the work we do and to show how autism affects families and communities. At the end of the month we do a walk along Brighton and Hove seafront. We wear the colours of mASCot – orange, blue and green – and carry beautiful banners designed by the children.


Last year our walk set off a 10am of from Hove Lagoon and we met with many local residents eager to learn more about mASCot and many were happy to donate to the children who bravely undertook a long walk in a busy public space.


Proud mASCot founder Sam Bayley said:


“Seeing so many mASCot members turn up for our family walk was amazing. 

We know how hard it is to get some of our kids to join in with things, especially on the busy seafront. Those children who did turn up were so well behaved and coped so well, they did us all proud. 

mASCot really is a great community to belong to.”


We want March4mASCot to grow year on year and make it a month to look forward to.

Our kids are amazing


You raised


Thank you.jpg
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