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Info Fairs, Talks & Stalls

Over the years mASCot has been invited along to many information fairs where we have been able to share all the great things mASCot do and to let people know how we all support each other.

We have recruited many members over the years and it has also been a great way to meet fellow organisation who also support families and to see what a great community we all belong to. 


Amaze Info Fair

We loved attending the Amaze Information fairs, when they were being run. I was a great source of community and information for many parents living in a SEND world.

Every year at the info fair the Parent and Carers Council presented their PaCC Awards. It's been amazing seeing all the people getting their awards over the years.

Open Market

mASCot had a lovely but cold day at the Open Market, It was lovely having Zach one of our young mASCot members coming along to help us out.

Children's Centre

The Children's Centres are a great place to reach out to parents and get the word out about mASCot and how we support parents whilst raising awareness of Autism.

American Express

We were asked to host an information stall for American Express in their main HQ in Brighton. They were wanting to raise awareness in the workplace.


This was a way for employees to learn more about Autism, whether they be a parent of an Autistic Child or whether they are on the spectrum themselves.

University and Fairs 

Whether it's going to Universities to talk to trainee doctors or to have a little stall at a local village fair, its all about getting people to understand Autism more.

Seminars to PC World

Last year we co presented our first Autism seminar for newly diagnosed families. So whether its a big event or just hijacking the screens in PC World, we're always spreading the word.

Disclaimer mASCot continually add to our signposting database of services, places, groups, agencies, individuals etc that our mASCot members have shared with fellow members on our forum. We include many of these suggestions on our website, please be aware, these links are provided as signposting for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by mASCot of any of the products, services or opinions of the services, agencies or individuals. mASCot bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.  Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.  mASCot members are advised to undertake their own research/background checks as necessary if accessing any of these services or provisions on external sites.

Sam​:  ​07943346055

ASC-mASCot C.I.C Company number 11780562
All logos artwork & designs copyright of ©️Sam Bayley

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