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Wednesdays 3.30pm - 5.15pm

(this isn't a drop off club parent carers need to stay)

mASCot Girls Group

This is a space where autistic girls can meet up with others autistic girls to socialise, make friends and chill.


There's a wide range of ages and social skills within the group. It's a wonderful inclusive space for the girls to chill and interact as muck or as little as they wish.

Some of the things we do:

  • Crafts

  • Dress up

  • Play

  • Slime making

  • reading

  • interactive play

  • Cooking

  • Music

  • Outings

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To Pay and Register

Play, Friendship & Fun

Girls Group Register and Pay

For the well-being of all our groups, It’s really important that our group facilitators have advance notice of new families wanting to join. Please email Harriet to arrange a suitable date for a trial visit at a Girls Group session.

If, after the trial session, your child/young person decides that they would like to attend regularly, please then register and sign up for payment here. 

Terms & Conditions

mASCot funds the use of facilities for us to run our clubs and group so they are accessible for you at a price you can afford.


Please read and tick that you agree to these terms & condition on the registration form.


As a member I agreed to use the facilities provided by mASCot in a responsible manner.


I understand that mASCot, although funding the facilities will not be held responsible for:


• loss or damage of personal belongings

• myself or my child/children's behaviour

• The safety of myself and/or my child/children.

• Any problems with the venue itself to be dealt with direct with the venue owners.


I accept, that even though I am here as a member of the support group mASCot, I have sole responsibility for my child/children's actions. I will be responsible for any loss or damage to my own or any property belonging to mASCot, the provided venue, or any other persons that results from mine or my child/children’s actions.


All data collected come under our GDPR Data protection policy and all clubs & Group follow our Membership rules which you agreed to when joining mASCot.

Read again HERE

Payment for Girls Group

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Info East Side Group


Hanover Community Centre,  

33 Southover St,




Harriet Grant



Wednesdays - 3.30pm - 5.15pm

Term time unless stated

Disclaimer mASCot continually add to our signposting database of services, places, groups, agencies, individuals etc that our mASCot members have shared with fellow members on our forum. We include many of these suggestions on our website, please be aware, these links are provided as signposting for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by mASCot of any of the products, services or opinions of the services, agencies or individuals. mASCot bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.  Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.  mASCot members are advised to undertake their own research/background checks as necessary if accessing any of these services or provisions on external sites.

Sam​:  ​07943346055

ASC-mASCot C.I.C Company number 11780562
All logos artwork & designs copyright of ©️Sam Bayley

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