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Facebook Group Rules

These rules are in place to keep every one of our mASCot members safe and to keep the group a confidential space to talk to fellow parents.


Our mASCot rules


our rules work along side our whole mASCot Ethos. mASCot is a safe non-judgemental space for our wonderful diverse families to get support and offload in an private safe environment of acceptance and tolerance. Please always remember that this forum is still social media and whatever rules are in place you are posting out to a wide audience.

What can be discussed

There are few rules on what is discussed on the mASCot forum as long as it’s done in a non-judgemental, non-confrontational way. We have NT & autistic parents together, so both need to be able to have their views. Everyone is at different stages of their journey and are learning and navigating their way, so we support and guide, we don't jump on parents for sometimes having a different view, using wrong terminology or just making a mistake.

Medication & Treatments

One big NO in mASCot is any promoting or endorsement of any medical treatments that claim to cure or prevent autism. mASCot is about celebrating our diverse families not curing them. Members are free to share experiences, discuss forms of medication & treatments with fellow members but we strongly suggest any medical queries should be discussed with a physician or pharmacist. mASCot doesn't condone or allow the loaning or giving of ANY medication between members. ANY posts breaking this rule will be removed immediately.


No sharing of information posted on the forum


Any personal information, discussions about schools, diagnosis journey etc, that are discussed on the forum is confidential and is not to be discussed elsewhere, especially, with anyone not a mASCot members and especially not back to any parties the discussion is about. No screenshots are to be shared with 3rd parties.




Matters of safeguarding are entirely different and need to be addressed immediately. If in your professional role you feel there is a safeguarding issue then please contact the mASCot safeguarding team on to discuss further.


Be respectful

When discussing issues please be fair and respectful of others, and do not post anything, that may be deemed libelous, offensive, racist or hateful. We are an inclusive Organisation. We welcome open discussion but please do not name professionals in a derogatory rude way.


No posting for fundraising


Unfortunately we can’t allow posts for fundraising unless it is to raise well needed funds for mASCot. With such a large membership we can’t allow personal fundraisers as members may feel they are constantly being asked to donate.


Make sure you are safe


If you arrange any meeting with a fellow member, then this is as an agreement between yourself. Please be safe and responsible when meeting up with anyone you don't know well.


Sharing information in posts


Please don't post any photos, videos, screenshots or reports of your child without their consent, we take the safeguarding of children's privacy and rights very seriously.


Selling or giving away in mASCot Marketplace only


Anything for sale or to donate to other members, any discussions about or requests for tradespersons, businesses etc that are not related to autism please post in our mASCot MarketPlace group.


Disclaimer mASCot continually add to our signposting database of services, places, groups, agencies, individuals etc that our mASCot members have shared with fellow members on our forum. We include many of these suggestions on our website, please be aware, these links are provided as signposting for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by mASCot of any of the products, services or opinions of the services, agencies or individuals. mASCot bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.  Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.  mASCot members are advised to undertake their own research/background checks as necessary if accessing any of these services or provisions on external sites.

Sam​:  ​07943346055

ASC-mASCot C.I.C Company number 11780562
All logos artwork & designs copyright of ©️Sam Bayley

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