On the mASCot website, the term ASC is used to refer to Aspergers, Autism, and any condition associated or linked with Autism or accompanying disorders such as Speech and Language disorders, behaviour disorders, tourettes, DCD (dyspraxia), OCD (Obsessive compulsive disorder), ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), PDA (Pathological demand avoidance) and any medical conditions. We also have a lot of our families whose children are diagnosed with more than one of the above conditions and some families who have more than one of their children diagnosed with one or more of the above.
mASCot welcomes any discussions on the forum regardless of which child or which condition. We believe in the holistic approach to supporting families.

“Having support with all aspects of your family’s needs is so important.
becoming an expert on your family and their needs is vital.
Having people to help and share things with is priceless.”
-Sam Bayley