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Meet Team mASCot




mASCot was started 15 years ago by a parent, Sam Bayley :



"As a parent of an autistic child, 

I wanted a place where parents and carers in Brighton and Hove could meet up together or online to support each other.

Having the coffee mornings and the online forum has made this possible, 

watching mASCot grow and become such an amazing group 

with so many families involved 

is brilliant to see."

-Sam Bayley

Read more on the history of mASCot

Team mASCot

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, 

committed citizens can change the world; 

indeed, it's the only thing that ever has"

-Margaret Mead

mASCot is a C.I.C (a non-profit making Community Interest Company) and each member of our Board of Directors is a parent of an autistic child or young adult. We get small amounts of independent funding which goes towards office admin and managing our projects, however all our Directors give their time on a voluntary basis to help run mASCot. All donations to mASCot are welcome and 100% of all donations go to running our projects. We all feel passionately about supporting fellow ASC families and providing activities and projects for our children. 

Team mASCot


Sam Bayley



Laura Marrs



Jo Matthews


Sam is the founder of mASCot and her main role is supporting parents, whether it be school issues or to talk about the best strategies to use as a family.

Sam runs our 1-1 sessions where parents get the time to talk about anything related to their child's or families needs. She also runs workshops and courses for our members.

She also created, designed and manages the website and facilitates all the Facebook groups.

Jo runs our Tuesday group for primary aged children, and our Teen+ spin off group, The Inbetweeners for our younger teens. 

Jo has also arrange camping trips for the last couple of years

With a background in social care she is a valid member of the team and will be our go to person for all things relating to social care.

Jo is also working on bringing more talks and courses specialising on  girls on the spectrum.

Laura runs our popular Rambling club as well as being very active in planning and organising some of our projects, she does a lot of our project admin helping our groups to run smoothly.

Laura also has a good knowledge of internet safety and is getting more training in this area.

Laura Is always looking for new project that will be good for our families. In the past she has run our Equine therapy, Gym club, Minecraft club and many other projects. 


Mimi Banks


Paula Donovan

Members pic

mASCot Members

Mimi is our projects manager and oversees all of our funding applications and has successfully secured lots of funding for mASCot.

Mimi's main interests are our Youth Projects and runs our Teen+ as well as our Monday Cafe.

Mimi also works closely with our families whose children are currently out of school and works closely with the LA on providing provisions for these children.

Paula champions mASCot taking information and knowledge of Autism to a wider audience. 

She has given talks at the universities and works to help improve the understanding of Autism within the professionals who work with our children and families.

Paula has knowledge of the private school system and has previously been a NAS ambassador.

mASCot is all about its members, who are included in all we do and help shape what support mASCot offers families. We are all parents of Autistic children/young adults, so we are all invested in mASCot being a inclusive, supportive place for our children and source of knowledge and support for families. The more members get involved, the more projects we can run.

"One day you will tell your story 
of how you’ve overcome what you’re going through now, 
and it will become someone else’s survival guide"

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Disclaimer mASCot continually add to our signposting database of services, places, groups, agencies, individuals etc that our mASCot members have shared with fellow members on our forum. We include many of these suggestions on our website, please be aware, these links are provided as signposting for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by mASCot of any of the products, services or opinions of the services, agencies or individuals. mASCot bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links.  Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.  mASCot members are advised to undertake their own research/background checks as necessary if accessing any of these services or provisions on external sites.

Sam​:  ​07943346055

ASC-mASCot C.I.C Company number 11780562
All logos artwork & designs copyright of ©️Sam Bayley

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